What is CM/ECF?
Case Management/Electronic Case Files (CM/ECF) is the automated case management and electronic docketing system used by the U.S. Court. CM/ECF provides an easy-to-use electronic case filing feature that makes life easier for you by allowing you to file and view court documents over the Internet.
What Does CM/ECF Offer?
CM/ECF will allow attorneys to file and view documents from their office, home or anywhere they have access to the Internet, 24 hours a day. Documents are automatically docketed as part of the filing process and are immediately available electronically. CM/ECF also provides the following benefits.
- 24-hour access to filed documents over the Internet
- Automatic email notice of case activity
- The ability to download and print documents directly from the court system
- Concurrent access to case files by multiple parties
- Secure storage of documents (so files are not misplaced)
- Potential reduction in courier fees
What Do I Need to Use CM/ECF?
A personal computer running a standard platform such as Windows or Macintosh.
- Word processing software
- Internet access and a browser. The system has been certified with Netscape and Internet Explorer
- Software to convert documents into PDF
- Scanning equipment may be useful
How Does it Work?
The electronic case files system accepts documents in a portable document format (PDF). PDF retains the way a document looks, so the pages, fonts and other formatting are preserved. Filing a document with the court’s CM/ECF system is quite easy.
- Create the document using word processing software
- Log onto the court's CM/ECF system, using a court-issued login and password
- Follow the set of simple prompts to provide information about the case, party and document to be filed
- Attach the PDF document and submit to the court for filing (by pressing a submit button)
- Save or print the CM/ECF electronic receipt emailed from the court confirming that the document was filed
Are There Fees?
There are no added fees for filing documents over the Internet using CM/ECF; existing document filing fees do apply. Electronic access to court data is available through the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER).